But we took a trip over Spring Break, and I found possibly an awesome free photo editor-and I'm getting a bit bored with Warcraft. So maybe I'll try to add some photos in the coming days and weeks.
It may be a bit of hodge podge-a little bit from trips, a little bit from things around my town, probably mostly things that I find interesting and that reflect the area I live in, i.e. the small suburbs that are still somewhat "country".
While I get acquainted with my new photo editor, and spend some time organizing photos and deciding whether or not to only post here in the future or keep my website(which I think I've actually lost at the moment, argh-need to go work on that). Seems easier to add things here, but more control over my personal website. What to do...
In the meantime, I am adding one pic I took from our trip to St Louis for Spring Break, more are on my Flickr page.
This is the Pyramid in Memphis, Tennessee.