Thursday, March 26, 2009

Photos from the Car

Yes, I am trying again. I want to post my photos, I've just been looking for the right 'avenue' to run them up. The right 'trail' to take. I was looking for a sign.

And then it happened. One morning, a morning that I lingered a few extra moments in the car listening to a caller on the talk radio show I listen to every morning. After my kid had caught the bus, at a time when I normally would have parked the car and gone inside. But I lingered for some reason. And then it happened...

This caller mentioned the "Tail of the Dragon". He mentioned how he, a motorcycle rider, often rode this road in East Tennessee and the danger(the topic of the morning was bicyclists on certain area roads being a danger). I had never heard of this "Dragon" but I was certainly intrigued! I ran inside and Googled it. I came across many websites and I KNEW I had to visit this place.

As luck would have it, my husband and kid both had the following week off from work and school for vacation, and East Tennessee isn't that far away. So we went. We ended up driving on 3 scenic roads that I had not heard of before and had a blast doing so! More photos will be coming from the "Tail of the Dragon", the "Devil's Triangle" and the "Cherahala Skyway".

The above is one of the many winding parts of the "Tail of the Dragon"(318 curves in 11 miles!). It was a fun ride and I can't wait to get back and ride it again! Just be careful when you do and obey all of the laws, it can be a dangerous road.

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